BOOTS: 1/4 inch heel – no flat soles!
HELMET: We supply one for the first month
Dress for the weather!
Winter – Wear Layers!
- long johns
- scarf /turtle neck
- a warm vest
- head band or toque
- hot shots!
Correct dress
= comfort & safety
= great start to learning!
After your intro lessons, arrive at the barn 1/2 hour before class to prep and stay 1/2 hour after to finish up.
Leave the barn, tack and your horse as you want to find it!
Work together – we recommend riders stay and help eachother, until everyone is finished

* Please note: We start our riders @ age 6 + for safety
* There is a 200 pound weight limit for our horses’ well being
Riding Lessons at Caledon Equestrian
Weekly lessons are geared to the safe progressive development of the rider. Coaches use the national Rider Level Program which establishes safe, correct and consistent skills at all levels. We offer Rider Testing at the end of the Spring session.
Lessons are available in groups, with a maximum of six riders per class with extra coaches and helpers for beginners; semi-private and private instruction. The cost stays the same for every type of class but the length will vary depending on the size of the class.
Caledon Equestrian School produces solid, effective and polished riders. We develop skills slowly but consistently. Our riders ride well but become horse people first. Sympathetic communication with our wonderful animals is paramount and that respect is instilled in the students in every riding lesson.
We are excited to welcome you to our School! Here are our protocols that must be strictly followed to ensure everyone’s safety here at the barn.
Do NOT come if you are ill in any way, or have been in contact with anyone with Covid
Please disinfect/ wash your hands before entering and when leaving the barn
Please do not share/bring equipment or clothing worn at any other farms at our school
Keep your distance in the barn – if a rider is leading a horse in the hallway, go into a stall
Be aware; Be safe; Keep your space and Disinfect!
*HST not included*
* If paying by etransfer be sure to add name of the student and riding time*
4MONTH SESSION FEE: (Post dated cheques, e-transfer or pre-paid only)
$250 + HST/mo.
*Please note a $20 late fee is applied to any payment received after the 14th of the month
There is a $100 +HST deposit per student, which is applied to the last month of the 4 month session. *If you do not complete the session, the deposit is forfeited.
Lesson Structure:
- Group (4-6 students): 45 min. lesson
- Semi-group( 2-3 students): 40 minute lesson
- Private: 1/2 hour lesson
- Please note the 1st month or two of beginner lessons includes grooming and barn lesson as well as arena/riding time. Once the student is competent and safe in the barn, the lesson will be all in the arena. For students under 9, lessons will include barn and riding
* One make-up per session is applied to the month with a 5th week within the session
Other Costs:
- Second family member or second set of 4 lessons in the 4 month session – $230
- Extra lessons/ month after the first four – $60 each
- Single lesson: $75
- Practice Rides (Rider 3 and higher): $55/hr.
Please add HST
A horse show is held in June and December – a minimum $50 show fee will apply.
We also offer National Rider Level testing.
TO REGISTER: please fill out the link below and send your payment here.